Web-based system for the traceability of cultivated Nile Tilapia based on ISO 12877: 2011


Hember A. Lerdo-Morales
Ramona Evelia Chávez-Valdez
Patricia Elizabeth Figueroa-Millán
J. Reyes Benavides-Delgado
Elena Elsa Bricio-Barrios


Food safety, Web system, Tilapia, Traceability


Objective: To describe the systematization of the Nile tilapia cultivation process using a computer system for production and marketing traceability based on ISO 12877:2011 standard and web technologies.

Design/methodology/approach: A documentary and field investigation were conducted to learn about the Nile tilapia production process currently applied; traceability was evaluated based on Double T and María del Carmen study cases, aquaculture farms located in the municipalities of Manzanillo and Armería located in the state of Colima, México; the process was contrasted with the ISO standard and the system was developed and implemented.

Results: A Traceability System that records backward, internal, and forward procedural activities in the cultivation and marketing of tilapia. The system improves food safety control by registering lot care based on the ISO standard, resulting in well-defined traceable processes in the production and commercialization of the Nilotic tilapia.

Limitations on study/implications: The results shown are related to the development and implementation of the system; however future work is yet to be carried out to assess its effect on the production and commercialization of farmed tilapia, as well as the efficiency of traceability.

Findings/conclusions: The system was developed taking into consideration the necessary indicators for an ISO certification. Hence, aside from simplifying the registration and consultation of information, the producing company has the benefit of earning a certification for the aquaculture production process, creating additional value to its products.

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