Characterization of producers of Ejido San Luis Huexotla and relationship with socioeconomic structure and agricultural production


Miguel J. Escalona Maurice
Juan Carlos Espinosa Morales
Claudia Ivon Ortega Méndez
Yolanda Margarita Fernández Ordoñez


agricultural producers, Ejido San Luis Huexotla, socio-economic structure.


Objective: To characterize the Ejido agricultural producers relating to their environment and socioeconomic structure in Ejido San Luis Huexotla, Texcoco, state of México, Mexico.

Design / Methodology / Approach: This research joined qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Also, a survey was used and applied to Ejido producers (ejidatarios) of Ejido San Luis Huexotla. To obtain the sample size, total universe of 181 ejidatarios was used; and survey was applied to 50 of them, representing 30% of the population.

Results: The main problems were identified that have changed land uses and ownership in the Ejido. Variables were found, as aging and primary economic activities that are decisive in order to know the current status of the Ejido area; its spatial transformation, and general conditions of Ejido San Luis Huexotla.

Limitations of the study: Although we are referring to an agricultural area with irrigation systems, diverse causes and socioeconomic factors or even external factors have conditioned the agricultural activity of the Ejido system.

Findings / Conclusions: Applying a survey to ejidatarios was decisive to observe the conditions in which the Ejido is being managed; and to assess vulnerability to external events that have transformed the actions at the Ejido; as well as their socioeconomic relationships facing the inevitable de-peasant process (less owners are rural farmers by the day) in current Mexican agricultural lands.

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