Positive impact of business efficiency sub-factors and variables on the competitiveness of the lemon agro-industry in Colima, Mexico


Pablo Adrián Magaña Sánchez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2379-0992


Competitiveness, Lemon agro-industry, Questionnaire, Labor market, Customer satisfaction.


Objective: To establish which business efficiency sub-factors and variables have a positive impact on the competitiveness of the lemon agro-industry in Colima.

Design/Methodology/Approach: In this mixed research, we used a questionnaire with 33 questions with a scale of 1 to 6. We applied the questionnaire in the field to nine managers and established its validity and reliability using Cronbach’s alpha (0.91). We used variable standardization and the arithmetic mean as statistical tools. With this technique, we integrated 33 variables in one index. We considered different means for each of the companies and used the software SPSS version 22.

Results: Labor market and management practices were the sub-factors with the highest number of variables that have a positive impact on the competitiveness of the lemon agro-industry in Colima.

Study Limitations/Implications: The study limitations included the lack of time and availability of the interviewees, as well as the expenses in which we incurred traveling to their companies.

Findings/Conclusions: The variables with the highest positive impact on the competitiveness of the lemon agro-industry in Colima are the following: customer satisfaction is very important; security and hygiene-related issues are adequately addressed; social responsibility is high; and attracting and retaining talents is a priority. We concluded that business owners within this agro-industry seek to create good work teams, offer training opportunities, provide good security and hygiene conditions, and have an adequate financial control.


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