Socioeconomic and competitive positioning of livestock chains in Zacatecas, Mexico


Blanca Isabel Sánchez Toledano


Production chains, indicators, technologies


Objective: To determine the positioning of the most important livestock production
chains in Zacatecas, Mexico, within a matrix of socioeconomic importance and
market competitiveness, and to identify research and technology transfer needs.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Arranging livestock production chains into a
hierarchy was carried out based on the methodology proposed by the International
Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), taking as analysis axis the
dimensions of socioeconomic importance and competitiveness. The six most
outstanding livestock production chains in the state were selected.
Results: The results placed the beef cattle chains as sustainable, the goat and
sheep chains were placed as vulnerable, pork and honey were located in the
retraction quadrant due to their low socioeconomic importance and competitiveness,
and dairy cattle was placed in the strained quadrant.
Study Limitations/Implications: It is important to take into account other links.
Findings/Conclusions: Strategies for livestock production chains involve making
the production more efficient through sustainable practices, providing technical assistance to producers, conducting research to generate technology, investing in
infrastructure, and generating products with added value that meet the needs of

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