First report on Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in stored Amaranth grains (Amaranthus spp.)


Agustín Jesús Gonzaga Segura
Mariana Cruz-Díaz
Daniel Tapia-Maruri
Humberto Reyes Prado


palomilla de la harina, Amaranthus, cereal.


Objective: To identify and describe the species of lepidopteran that causes damage to amaranth grains.
Design/Methodology/Approach: During six months, amaranth cereal bars were obtained to collect the larvae of the lepidopteran, a pest that consumes the grains. Larvae were kept under laboratory conditions until adults emerged. For the identification of the adults, the genitalia were extracted and photographs were taken by confocal laser scanning
microscopy; and those of abdominal termination, egg and larvae of the first stage, by scanning electron microscopy.
Results: The first report on the appearance of the flour moth Plodia interpunctella in stored amaranth grains in Mexico is presented. This is the first known record of damage to amaranth grains by this pest in the world.
Study limitations/implications: In the Amaranth-producing region of Morelos, Mexico, there is no information on the  pests of stored amaranth grains. Therefore, the need arises to deepen the study of the reproductive biology and ecology of Plodia interpunctella on this new host.
Findings/Conclusions: The identification of Plodia interpunctella in amaranth grains will allow the development of a management strategy to prevent the spread of this new pest in the Amaranth-producing region.

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