Phenology of Four Varieties of Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) in Greenhouses and Hydroponics for its Commercial Production in Mexico


Diego Ivan Orozco-Balbuena
Manuel Sandoval-Villa
María de las Nieves Rodríguez-Mendoza
Oscar Martín Antúnez-Ocampo


gooseberry, phenology, morphology, hydroponics.


Objective: To measure the phenology, morphology and development of four varieties of
Physalis peruviana L. under greenhouse and hydroponics conditions, by effect of the ionic
strength of the Steiner nutrient solution for cultivation in Mexico.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was conducted under a completely
random design with factorial arrangement, the treatments evaluated resulted from the
combination of the levels of the variety factor (Colombia, Sacha, Chiclayo and Modified)
with the levels of the ionic strength of the Steiner nutrient solution (50, 100 and 150%),
and the experimental unit was a potted plant. For phenology each phase was recorded in
the plants, SPAD readings were taken in the vegetative stage, for diameter and height
several samples were taken, and pH and electrical conductivity were accomplished on
stems and petioles of shoots of each treatment. An analysis of variance and the
comparison of means per Tukey (p ? 0.05) were implemented with the SAS 9.2 program.
Results: The varieties under study showed differences in the time of occurrence of the
phenological stages. SPAD readings, basal diameter, pH and electrical conductivity in sap
were affected by each factor except for the interaction. Meanwhile, plant height was
significantly affected in the first 24 days after transplant (dat) by the combination of the
two factors.

Study Limitations/Implications: The results obtained are limited to the varieties, the
environmental conditions, and the time when the varieties were evaluated.
Conclusions: The phenology of each variety was not expressed at the same time in any
concentration, as an early variety was given to Chiclayo, Colombia and Sacha, which are
varieties that in the concentrations 50 and 150% of the nutrient solution started harvesting
at 99 dat.

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