Physicochemical and protein analysis of grasshopper paste (Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier)

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Eliza G. Arcos-Estrada
Mayra Díaz-Ramírez
Judith Jiménez-Guzmán
Miriam F. Fabela-Morón
Adolfo A. Rayas-Amor
Erika B. León-Espinosa
Mariano García-Garibay
Rosy G. Cruz-Monterrosa


mole, grasshopper, protein, physicochemical analysis


Objective: Make grasshopper paste (Gp) and incorporate it into Mole Poblano (MP), evaluating the physicochemical characteristics and protein content of this mixture.

Design / methodology / approach: Grasshoppers were collected and Gp was prepared. Later, the Gp was included in the Mole Poblano paste (MP) in the following treatments: T0 = 0Gp and 100% MP, T10 = 10% Gp and 90% MP, T15 = 15% Gp and 85% MP, T20 = 20 % Gp and 80% MP, T25 = 25% Gp and 75% MP and T30 = 30% Gp and 70% MP. The treatments were subjected to physical-chemical analysis and protein content.

Findings / conclusion: Treatments T0 and T10 had the highest L *. the variable ?E was clearer for T0 and was different among all the other treatments. The C * saturation index decreased between treatments. Protein content increased with the inclusion of Gp. There were no differences between treatments in pH and water activity. It is concluded that the Gp can be incorporated into the MP to improve its nutritional value and there is no drastic change in the physicochemical variables of the evaluated treatments.

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