Biological importance and environmental quality of the Laguna Santa Ana in Zacatecas, Mexico


Marisa Mercado Reyes


wetlands, organic pollution, waterfowl, Zacatecas.


Objective: To determine the environmental quality and diversity of the waterfowl species of the Laguna Santa Ana, located in the municipality of Fresnillo, Zacatecas.

Design/Methodology/Approach: A physicochemical analysis of the water was carried out to determine its organic matter pollution. In addition, the Bradford method was applied to establish protein levels, and an optical emission spectrometry was conducted to detect heavy metals. The Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H’) was carried out to identify and count the populations of the lagoon.

Results: The physicochemical analysis of water recorded 55 and 230.6 mg/L BOD5 and COD, respectively. High protein levels (0.27-2.95 mL/mL) indicated organic pollution and high arsenic levels. The Shannon-Weiner index (2.7) recorded a high waterfowl diversity.

Study Limitations/Implications: Biological abundance was not determined, as a result of the sample size. The changes regarding waterfowl diversity may be the consequence of the seasonal conditions.

Findings/Conclusions: The Laguna de Santa Ana has a high waterfowl diversity, including species of international interest; however, organic pollution has caused a a significant environmental deterioration.

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